Support us!
Here's how to donate:
Scroll down to see why it's important, and other ways to help.
- Have Monero, an anonymous digital currency. Bitcoin works too.
- Send some to @gravel, a pseudonymous digital pile of rocks.
You can help in other ways:
Show your friends that privacy isn't so bad, and
- post about the site on social media (write what you think & include a link!), or
- share your favorite Community with friends using on-site buttons.
Why it's important:
A lot of my time goes into handling abuse and appeasing search engines:
Bing and DuckDuckGo have been ignoring the site for a long time prior to Jan 2024.
- Cryptocurrency donations save us a lot of work, since we can turn around and directly use them to pay for server costs.
- Pay-if-you-can keeps resources free and private for the people who need it most.
- I love what I do. I provide the work. You can make my work worth it.
Convinced? Here.