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🇬🇧 Place for everyone interested in investing their money. Offtopic and risky investment is removed. Please lets make this room useful. 50
🇨🇳 关注中国基督教家庭教会,关注宗教自由 44
🇨🇳 Session中国基金会专属大群 80
🇷🇺 Russian-language discussion. 77
🇬🇧 Matters related to the Session Open Group Server, such as installation, configuration and operation. 79
🇬🇧 The home of (aspiring) Oxen Service Node operators. 70
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of the Linux operating system. 250
🇫🇷 French-language discussion. 56
🇨🇳 反贼开源社区/技术路线救国实践者 28
🇬🇧 Room for programmers/developers. 71
🇬🇧 Anything related to the broad topic of travel. 61
🇬🇧 The wide world of instant messaging software. 204
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of privacy and how to maintain it in an on-line world. 322
for uploading songs and discussing about music 42
🇬🇧 we're here The technologies, skills and people developing for the World Wide Web. 52
🇵🇱 Grupa dla polskich użytkowników Session. 47
🇬🇧 Matters related to health, fitness and wellbeing. 60
🇪🇸 Spanish-language discussion. 131
🇬🇧 Topics related to the security of computer systems and networks. 174
🇨🇳 维尼导航,构建民主自由的共同知识图谱 58
🇮🇹 Italian-language discussion. 46
🇮🇩 Komunitas Session Indonesia 24
🇬🇧 The wonderful world of video games: arcade, console, PC, mobile, retro, emulation, preservation and archiving, etc. 73
🇬🇧 Discussion of music in all of its many forms. Links and attachments welcome. 55
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of the UNIX operating system. 30
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of the Android operating system. 88
🇬🇧 All things related to the UK, including British people and their culture, British English and other British languages, British history, geography, politics, etc. 260
🇬🇧 AI: The machines and systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognising images and speech, making decisions, and learning from experience. 118
🇳🇱 Dutch-language discussion. 211
Welcome to Fuck_Manulife_Asia, where we stand against Manulifes actions and their impact on the Bai Lan movement. Outraged by their role in the opioid crisis and unethical practices? Join us to voice your anger, share your stories, and strategize on how to fight back against this corporate giant. Lets unite in our opposition and demand accountability and justice.. 22
🇬🇧 The truth is out there. But where? Are you responsible for covering up UAPs? Or maybe the person that decided we should use UAP instead of UFO to distract us? Why not throw some more misdirection, or maybe even serve up the truth? Classified is just a label. 22
🇬🇧 Discussion channel for queer folks of any and all sorts. NO ADULT CONTENT! DMs now blocked due to abuse. No shaming. 26
🇬🇧 Sci-fi and fantasy chat, covering all media formats 23
All men are born equal and free 38
🇵🇹 Portuguese-language discussion. 37