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🇬🇧 Place for everyone interested in investing their money. Offtopic and risky investment is removed. Please lets make this room useful. 157
🇨🇳 关注中国基督教家庭教会,关注宗教自由 57
🇨🇳 Session中国基金会专属大群 104
🇨🇳 维尼导航,构建民主自由的共同知识图谱 67
🇬🇧 Discussion about technologies, skills and people developing for the World Wide Web. 78
🇬🇧 All things related to the UK, including British people and their culture, British English and other British languages, British history, geography, politics, etc.#rules:rocky w rules 215
🇬🇧 Discussion of music in all of its many forms. Links and attachments welcome. 83
🇬🇧 The Art of Modern Survival - the purpose of this group is to discuss, debate, and dispute on how we the people can circumvent modern surveillance without the need to disconnect from society. Contact blackhouse for abuse reports. 189
🇬🇧 Anything related to the broad topic of travel. 78
🇷🇺 Russian-language discussion. 95
🇬🇧 The home of (aspiring) Oxen Service Node operators. 69
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of the Linux operating system. 283
🇬🇧 The wide world of instant messaging software. 154
🇫🇷 French-language discussion. 64
🇪🇸 Spanish-language discussion. 118
🇬🇧 we're here Matters related to the Session Open Group Server, such as installation, configuration and operation. 114
🇬🇧 Topics related to the security of computer systems and networks. 225
🇮🇹 Italian-language discussion. 76
🇬🇧 The wonderful world of video games: arcade, console, PC, mobile, retro, emulation, preservation and archiving, etc. 74
🇵🇹 Portuguese-language discussion. 41
🇬🇧 Matters related to health, fitness and wellbeing. 81
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of privacy and how to maintain it in an on-line world. 379
🇵🇱 Grupa dla polskich użytkowników Session. 78
🇬🇧 Unofficial open community for users of Session to connect and discuss the application and get help while the official community is locked for new users. Contact blackhouse for abuse reports. 88
How to survive in the modern world. 92
🇬🇧 Cogito, ergo sum. 89
🇬🇧 AI: The machines and systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognising images and speech, making decisions, and learning from experience. 169
🇬🇧 Room for programmers/developers. 127
🇬🇧 Broad discussion of Android devices and apps. 93
Group dedicated to exposing, countering and avoiding corporate and governmental attempts at limiting the basic human right of free access to information online. Contact ons blackhouse for abuse reports. 195
🇧🇩 Bangladesh, বাংলাদেশ 37
🇮🇩 Komunitas Session Indonesia 40
🇧🇷 Portuguese-language discussion for Brazilians. 119